What Matters in the Future of Work

“The best thing you can give an employee is a company that succeeds in the marketplace; because unless and until you succeed in the marketplace you don’t have purpose, you don’t have belonging, you don’t have an organization – there is no workplace” – Prof. David Ulrich

In today’s dynamic and competitive business landscape, organizations face the challenge of not only satisfying customer needs but also delivering value to their investors. To achieve continued success, organizations must leverage their talent, embrace effective leadership, establish strong organizational structures, and implement human resource (HR) practices that align with their strategic goals.

In this blog post, we will explore how organizations can use these components to generate value for both customers and investors.

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

Successful organizations understand the importance of acquiring and retaining top talent. By attracting talented individuals, organizations gain a competitive advantage and improve their ability to meet customer demands effectively. Exceptional talent brings innovation, expertise, and fresh perspectives to the table, cultivating creativity and driving business growth.

Additionally, when organizations support the growth and development of their employees, they not only boost employee productivity but also establish a culture of continual learning and improvement, thereby improving the customer experience.

Leaders as Role Models

Effective leadership is crucial for organizations to navigate complex challenges and capitalize on opportunities. Strong leaders set the tone, vision, and direction for the entire organization by motivating and inspiring employees to align their efforts with the organization’s strategic goals.

By promoting accountability, transparency, and trust, leaders empower employees to perform at their best, which leads to improved customer satisfaction and investor confidence. Furthermore, competent leaders anticipate market trends and adapt their strategies accordingly, ensuring the organization remains competitive.

Building Efficient Organizational Structures

Organizational structures play a vital role in simplifying processes, allocating resources optimally, and promoting collaboration among employees. Efficient organizational structures enable clear communication channels, facilitate decision-making processes, and establish accountability frameworks.

When organizations have well-defined roles and responsibilities, employees can work cohesively towards common goals, leading to improved customer service and overall organizational performance. Additionally, a well-structured organization builds investor trust by displaying a dedication to effective operations and strong management.

Strategic Human Resource Practices

Human resource practices cover a range of functions, including recruitment, training, performance management, and employee engagement. By aligning HR practices with organizational goals, organizations can maximize the potential of their workforce. Effective recruitment ensures that the right talent is brought on board, while comprehensive training and development programs equip employees with the necessary skills to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Additionally, performance management systems enable organizations to identify and reward high-performing employees, motivating them to exceed customer expectations and more. By prioritizing employee engagement initiatives, organizations can establish a positive work environment, resulting in increased employee well-being, productivity and customer satisfaction.


Organizations are better positioned to provide value to both consumers and investors when talent, leadership, organizational structures, and human resource practices are prioritized. Ultimately, organizations that invest in these areas improve their overall performance, driving customer attraction, loyalty, retention and investor support.

If this topic interests you, you should listen to the first episode of our podcast – The Make Work Healthy Podcast. We interviewed Professor David Ulrich –  professor of business at the Ross School of Business, author, speaker, management coach, and management consultant. Widely considered to be the ‘father of HR’ in business and beyond, Prof. Ulrich has written over 30 books, created the hugely influential ‘Ulrich HR Model’ and consulted with over half of the Fortune 200 group of companies.

He shares his insights on what he considers to be the three most important trends that will shape the new world of work, how organizations add value to customers and investors through talent, leadership and organization, hybrid working, and much more.

If you are interested in listening to our discussion with Prof. Ulrich, you can find the entire conversation at https://work-healthy.castos.com/episodes/what-matters-in-the-future-of-work.