Following the successful launch of Healthy Place To Work in Brazil this year, including a number of great organisations becoming part of our growing global community of healthy businesses, we are delighted to announce that Marina Nunes Galvão Sobral has become the new CEO of Healthy Place To Work, Brazil. Marina is a professional with more than 14 years of experience in Business and with a real passion for people, especially in the workplace. Following her appointment, Marina said:
“After the pandemic, the theme of workplace health & well-being became a permanent agenda item at the board table. In Brazil, several recent studies have reinforced that Brazil is among one of the most anxious countries in the world which is detrimental to people, businesses, and society. I am delighted to be leading Healthy Place To Work in Brazil and I am really looking forward to supporting companies and people who understand what’s not going well and how best to make the transformation to a healthier workplace for all.”
We are so looking forward to working with Marina and her team in 2023 and beyond, bringing Healthy Place To Work to many more organisations across Brazil.