Workforce Health Drives Organisational Performance

“Leaders are challenged with three critical issues right now, retaining talent, attracting talent and achieving optimum performance. The key to these challenges is health.”
John Ryan
CEO, Healthy Place To Work®

Healthy Place To Work® is a global data analytics company working in partnership with organisations across the globe to measure and manage Workforce Health in order to deliver better organisational performance.

Survey Diagnostic

We will measure your organisation’s and employees’ health status through the employee survey. The Healthy Place To Work® employee survey evaluates your employees’ perception of their health and the culture of health within the organisation. The survey diagnostic takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete, contains 66 core statements and is very easy to implement.

We would love to hear from you.

Recognised Global Standard for Healthy Workplaces

Healthy Place To Work® certification process is brought by the deep expertise of academics, professionals and leaders in the human resources and health arena. Certification helps you earn positive recognition in your industry and community. Once certified, you can use the accreditation to help attract and retain talent.

Start your journey to Certification today.

Healthy Leadership Key to success

If your people believe you care about their health, they will care about your business. If you don’t show you care, they won’t either. If employees genuinely believe the leaders care and are role models, they will reciprocate with higher productivity, energy, collaboration, and creativity and stay loyal.

In 60 high-impact minutes, we could change everything.

Find out more about our Healthy Leadership Initiative

Strong Empirical Evidence

Workforce health is one of the biggest drivers of Organisational Performance. Empirical evidence has been found for the impact of organisational resources on four aspects of employee health (i.e.) financial, social, psychological and physical health which in turn increases employee general health, intention to stay, and reduces sick leave. Take a significant step towards delivering better organisational performance through Workforce Health.

“When organisations have toxic cultures and unhealthy work practices, they harm everyone affiliated with the organisation”
Dave Ulrich Professor,
Ross School of Business, University of Michigan

Download the Trinity College, Ireland full report


If you would like to talk to me in person, I would be delighted to explain how Healthy Place To Work® will benefit your organisation.

Please email me directly on

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