Articles by date

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Mentally Healthy/Mentally ill – It is not a binary choice

Mentally Ill … Mentally Healthy One of the positives (of which there were few) from the Pandemic was a willingness of more people to talk about their mental health. Up to […]

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Nordisk Valideringsforum becomes first Swedish company to be officially certified as a Healthy Place To Work®

Following the formal launch of Healthy Place To Work® in Sweden, Nordisk Valideringsforum has become the first organisation in Sweden to achieve the Healthy Place To Work certification. Eva Martin, […]

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Boyum IT Solutions certified as a Healthy Place to Work® – the first company ever to do so in Denmark, Germany, Spain, Belgium, and Hungary

Boyum IT Solutions, a global provider of supply chain management software solutions based in Aarhus, Denmark, is proud to announce its certification as a Healthy Place to Work to become […]

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Hughes Insurance becomes first organisation in NI to Recredited as a Healthy Place to Work

  Hughes Insurance is the first company in Northern Ireland to achieve the Healthy Place to Work certification for a second consecutive year. Healthy Place to Work was launched in […]

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Employee Wellbeing: Are you tactical or strategic?

Your investment in the health and wellbeing of your employees can be wasted if you don’t spend it wisely. By wisely we mean spending it on activities or events that […]

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LGBT History Month

  One of our fundamental human needs is that of having positive and constructive connections with our fellow humans. Connection is closely linked to the sociological concept of cohesion. Social […]

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Should you wait until people seek support for mental health issues or is there something you can do now?

Statistics recently released by Towergate Health and Protection, show that women are more likely to suffer from mental health conditions, but men are half as likely to seek support in […]

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5 signs that your Employee Wellbeing Programme has a chance to succeed!

Many organisations have a very superficial view on employee wellbeing and health in the workplace and believe that it only involves implementing health and safety legislation. Initiatives are often very […]

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4 Pillars of Workplace Health

The Healthy Place to Work® model consists of four broad pillars of wellbeing, each of which comprises several elements. More detail reading about the four pillars is available in our […]